It's been awhile....and other new things!!!
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Friday, July 28, 2023
By CLG Photography
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I used to be so much better at blog posts...and then social media happened, life happened, and all of a sudden its been 4 years since I've done one of these. lol


Its been an amazing few years for the studio, I've made some big changes (with a few more upcoming ones as well).  I stopped doing weddings in 2020, I loved doing them but as I've gotten older its harder to keep up on them.  My youngest daughter just got married, and after watching our amazing photographers do their thing I thought I might miss it, but nope.  I love my newborns and seniors, and want to get to where I mainly work with those specialties.


But I've been wanting to stretch my creative wings out a bit, and the flatlands of Kansas doesn't really help with that.


So that brings me on to my new idea.  Until I figure out a better way to name it, basicly its an extreme session.  I"ve been travelling to a few locations recently to scope them out and there are some very cool spots....but they are a ways away.  These package sessions, since there will be so much time/travel extra expenses will include all the digital files.  So contact me for more information, two of them are "day trips", the third will be an overnight/weekend.  But it will make for some amazing portraits that your neighbor will probably not have!!!!  And make it where your senior has the MOST amazing session to celebrate their final year of high school!


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